Mittwoch, 10. März 2010

A Bit Of My Art!!!

Finally I scanned some pages of my Art Journals :)

----> Click on it to see it in the real colour!!!! :D

Enjoy...and leave comments ;)

Jeden Tag leben wie du magst
(the text means: "live every day like you want")


wear your sunglasses at night

just doodling

 life is a party, just celebrate every fucking day :)

my niece in popart :)

if we can't love us forever, we will stay friends forever
(can you see that the text and the swirls are glittering? made it with stickles)

uuuuuuuuuuh :)

 the text means: "most of the time, the small things make the difference"

stay true

one moment can change your whole life

a bit psychedelic ;)?

Hope you enjoyed it :)!!!

xoxo claudia

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